Label:Green & Water - R28X-1005
Used LP 1987
Disc:VG+ (B3 has slight pop/click sound on back (please make sure audio sample from around 45s),other tunes are great shape,slight surface noise as a very silent record,)
Jacket:VG+/EX (one brown wear) w/insertobi(integrated)
Pianist Yumiko Morioka. She graduated summa cum laude from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, where she studied abroad, and subsequently achieved outstanding results in piano competitions throughout the United States. In addition to the pianist, she has been providing music for idol groups under the name of Tomo Miyashita and surprisingly, her brother is Tomio Miyashita, who is member of Far East Family Band. Will this lead to a release in the Music For Inochi series produced and curated by Akira Ito, who is also a member of the group. As a solo work, it's a shame that it's the only one. It's a classic ambient with great content that blends in with nature.
ピアニスト盛岡夕美子。留学先のサンフランシスコ音楽院を主席で卒業、その後アメリカ各地のピアノ・コンテスト等で輝かしい成績を収めクラシックの世界でも経歴を持つ方ですが、ピアニスト以外にも宮下智という名前でアイドルグループ中心に楽曲を提供していたようです。更にネットの情報によると彼女の兄がFar East Family Bandやソロでも名作を残す宮下富実夫。同グループメンバーでもある伊藤詳がプロデュース、 キュレーションを務めるMusic For Inochiシリーズへのリリースに繋がっていくのでしょうか。本格的なソロ作品としてはこちらのみになるのが惜しいほど自然と溶け合うような素晴らしい内容のクラシカル・アンビエントを収録しています。
A1 - Komorebi
A3 - Rainbow Gate
B2 - Round And Round
B3 - La Sylphide - 空気の精 -
B5 - 銀の船