Yoshino Fujimal = 芳野藤丸 - S.T.

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Label:Moon Records ‎– MOON-28004


Used LP 1982

Disc:VG+ (totally good shape only silent surface noise at quiet part)

Jacket:VG+ (light white scrubs/crease,totally not bad condition) w/insert. Originally no obi

The masterpiece of guitarist Fujimaru Yoshino, a member of the AB's and Shogun, who is also an AOR singer and has participated in numerous productions. The entire album contains amazing adult-oriented rock, with A4 "Free Way 5 To South" being the best track with a shining technical arrangement.

AB'sやShogunなどのメンバーでもありAORシンガーとしての肩書や数々のプロダクションにも参加する世界規模でも人気を得るギタリスト芳野藤丸の代表作。全編を通して極上のアダルトオリエンテッドロックを収録していますが、中でもA4”Free Way 5 To South”がテクニカルなアレンジも光るベストトラック。

A1 - Who Are You?

A4 - Free Way 5 To South

B1 - Girl's In Love With Me

B3 - Not What I'm Looking For

B4 - Pretender