Label:Black – BAL-1003
Used LP 1975
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light corner bump/scuffs, light stain part, totally good condition, please check photos) w/obi (slight wear/mark),insert
During the three and a half years between her debut in 1975 and her suspension in 1979, she released four albums, all of which were highly acclaimed. This is the debut album produced entirely by Yuji Ohno. The mysterious lyrics and singing style of Sai, who claims to have been influenced by weird fantasy novels, are matched beautifully by the groovy/psychedelic/spacy/dark Yuji Ohno arrangements that compensate for the lack of musical knowledge that Sai herself had at the time. Would like you to listen to it all the way through, however recommend to listen from psychedelic "Ougamatoki", "Tsubaki Wa Ochitakaya" accented by Taiko sound and bewitching "Yukionna". The sound of Japanese instruments, which are often incorporated in this, blends in without any sense of discomfort. Original with obi,insert.
75年のデヴューから活動停止となる79年の間の約三年半の間に四枚のアルバムを発表しいずれも高い評価を受ける異能歌手 佐井好子。本作は大野雄二が全面プロデュースを手掛けたデヴューアルバム。怪奇幻想小説などから影響を受けているというミステリアスな佐井自身の歌詞と歌唱スタイルに、当時佐井自身は音楽的知識が乏しかったという中それを補うようなグルーヴィー/サイケデリック/スぺーシー/ダークな大野雄二アレンジメントが見事なまでにマッチした芸術作品と呼んでもいい傑作。是非通して聞いてほしいですが、サイケデリックな”逢魔ヶ時”、太鼓の音色もアクセントの”椿は落ちたかや”、妖艶な”雪女”は必聴。多く取り入れられている邦楽器の響きも違和感なく溶け込んでいます。帯、インサート付きのオリジナル。
A3 - 逢魔ヶ時
A5 - 椿は落ちたかや
B1 - 酔ひどれ芝居
B2 - 紅い花
B4 - 雪女