Label:Momia Discos – Momia 001
Used LP 1982
Disc:VG+ (totally good shape and looks shainy, only feel slight surface/hiss noise as quiet record)
Jacket:VG+ (special gimmick jacket, light scuffs/creases, not bad condition)
The first album in 1982 by Vía Láctea, formed in the 70's by Carlos Alvarad, a multi-instrumentalist who member of important Mexican bands such as Chac Mool and Decibel, and Miguel Angel Nava, a synth player who also member of Decibel. The members were also active in parallel with the aforementioned band, and in pursuit of a different sound, they have completed a strong ambient-oriented sound that is not often heard in Mexico at this time. Total good contents including "La Estructura Del Universo" which seems to incorporate a cosmic orientation, and "La Alondra Y La Virgen," which feels the influence of pre-Hispanic. Miguel Angel Nava would later leave the group, but it would continue its activities with the participation of such as Jorge Reyes, Arturo Meza. The piece that is a glimpse into the fullness of the Mexican scene. Brilliant!
Chac MoolやDecibelなどメキシコの重要バンドで活動してきたマルチ奏者Carlos Alvaradと同じくDecibelのメンバーでもあるシンセプレイヤー Miguel Angel Navaが中心となり70年代に結成されたVía Lácteaによる82年の初作。前述のバンドも並行して活動していた為、より違った音を求めてかこの頃のメキシコではまず聞けないであろう研ぎ澄まされたアンビエント志向の強いサウンドを完成させています。宇宙的志向を盛り込んだような”La Estructura Del Universo”、プレヒスパニックの影響を感じる”La Alondra Y La Virgen”を筆頭に捨て曲なし。その後Miguel Angel Navaは脱退しますが、この作品同様Jorge ReyesやArturo Mezaなどが参加しながら活動を続けていきます。特異なメキシコシーンがクロスオーヴァーされたエクスペリメンタル作品。
A1 - La Estructura Del Universo
A2 - El Jardin De La Presencia Divina
A3 - Via Lumiere
B1 - El Hombre En La Eternidad
B2 - Meditacion Post Atomica
B3 - La Alondra Y La Virgen