Label:TDK Records
Used LP 1985
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light scrubs,totally not bad condition) w/obi(light cut),insert
A resort compilation like a counter-action to Seaside Lovers ('83), which was produced by TDK in 1985 and featured Yuji Toriyama, Izumi Kobayashi, Pecker, Pegmo, etc. Among them, "Meditation In The Water," a beautiful, clear ambient piece by Izumi Kobayashi and EP-4's Banana, relaxing downtempo "Seaside Memories," and "Riding A Sea Horse," a song that inspires that uplifting feeling of summer by Yuji Toriyama and Pecker, John Bateson sings "Song Of The Islands" in an adulterous mood are especially great. The best thing not to listen to in winter.
85年にTDKが手掛けた鳥山雄二、小林泉美、ペッカー、Pegmoなどが参加したSeaside Lovers (’83) へのカウンターアクション的なリゾート系コンピレーション。小林泉美、EP-4のバナナが手掛けた透き通る美しいアンビエント曲”Meditation In The Water”、鳥山雄二&ペッカー作のリラクシング・ダウンテンポ曲”Seaside Memories”、夏の”あの”高揚感を掻き立てるような”Riding A Sea Horse”、アダルティなムードのJohn Batesonが歌う”Song Of The Islands”など冬に聴いてはいけない最高の内容です。
A1 - Unit 1+2 - Seaside Memories
A4 - Mimi Izumi Kobayashi, BANANA - Meditation In The Water
B1 - John Bateson With Pegmo - Song Of The Islands
B2 - Unit 1+2 - Riding A Sea Horse
B3 - Izumi Kobayashi - Relaxin'