Various - Science Art Label

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Label:Night Gallery - Science Art Label – S.A.L 004


Used 12" 1988

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (good conditon) 

A great compilation in 1989 by Science Art Label, a sub-label of Night Gallery in Osaka known for releases by Duppi and Yoran. Soft Bullet also participates, however the standout track is "Intervision" a dreamy/floating ambient type tune by Speaking Furniture, an experimental unit consisting of Uri Tsurubami and Yasuki Sodeoka, who have been featured on Box Records compilations. Other great tracks include like a utopia type ambience of "Colder Than Ice" by Art's & Lovers, led by Hiroki Okano  known for his releases on Innovative Communication, and and two experimental tracks by Fair Weater, led by Futoshi Okano, a member of Hijokaidan. The elaborate production of color vinyl is also wonderful. 

DuppiやYoranなどのリリースで知られる大阪のNight GalleryのサブレーベルScience Art Labelが89年に残した傑作コンピレーション。Soft Bulletも参加していますが、注目はBox Recordsのコンピレーションでも異彩を放っているUri TsurubamiとYasuki Sodeokaからなるエクスペリメンタル・ユニットSpeaking Furnitureによるドリーミーかつ不思議な浮遊感を持った”Intervision”。この曲は本当にいいんです。他にもInnovative Communicationからのリリースで知られる岡野弘幹率いるArt's & Loversによる桃源郷的アンビエンス”Colder Than Ice”、非常階段のメンバー岡野太率いるFair Weaterによる実験的な2曲も素晴らしいです。カラーヴァイナルの凝った作りも素敵。

A1 - Art's & Lovers – Colder Than Ice

A3 - Speaking Furniture – Intervision

B3 - Fair Weater – Golden Life

B4 - Fair Weater – Kohri-No-Hate

Includes previously recorded YouTube material in similar condition
