Label:Office Rock Magazine
Used Cassette 1985
Tape:VG+ (plays fine)
Case:VG+ (light scuffs, not bad condition) w/booklet
The magazine EGO was published for a total of 9 issues, edited by rock magazine editor and world-renowned Vanity Records boss Yuzuru Agi. This is the only cassette book type with accompanying sound source published in the second issue in 1985. The compilation focused on underground artists active in the Kansai area, with a total of 19 tracks ranging from familiar names such as Duppi, Salon Kitty, The Gurdjie, Quasimodeff and Luna to mysterious sounds only available on this tape. Particularly impressive are "Hyelos Gamos", which is over 7minutes long, with flute overlaid with synths and percussion in a morale-like pattern by Silent Pulse, of which there is no information in the accompanying zine, and "Swimming Vocabulary In Mist" by LOOP, an industrial track that starts with the sound of Japanese bells and encompasses a variety of elements. You can also enjoy the underground sound of Kansai, where a unique scene has formed, likely carefully selected by Yuzuru Agi. Amazing. It really doesn't come out.
ロック・マガジンの編集者であり世界にその名を轟かせるVanity Records主催阿木譲が編集を手掛け全9号まで発行された雑誌「EGO」。本作は85年に第2号として発行された唯一の音源を付属したカセットブック型。関西エリアで活動していた地下アーティストに焦点を当てたコンピレーションで、Duppi, Salon Kitty, The Gurdjie, Quasimodeff, Lunaなど当店でも馴染みのある名前からこちらでしか聞けないミステリアスなアーティストの音源まで全19曲。特に印象的なのは、付属のZINEにも全く情報のないSilent Pulseによる泳ぐように浮遊するモラレ状のシンセ、パーカッションが重なりながらフルートパートが入ってくる7分を超える”Hyelos Gamos”、Loopによる鐘の音から始まり様々な要素を内包したインダストリアル曲”Swimming Vocabulary In Mist”が当店的にはハイライト。その他も阿木譲の美的感覚によって選び抜かれたであろう特異なアンダーグラウンドシーンを形成していた関西の地下サウンドがズラリ。本当になかなかお目に掛かれません。
A1 - Loop – Swimming Vocabulary In Mist
A3 - Batsu – X
A4 - Silent Pulse – Hyelos Gamos
A5 - Quasimode – Yokotawaru Sakana
A8 - The Gurdjieff – All And Everything
B1 - Biscuit Holic – For Sunday
B4 - Hisano And Mio – Verlaine No Kansyoteki Na Kaiwa
B8 - Luna – Une Histuite De Plage
B10 - Duppi – Hareluya + Daiyamond
B11 - Mozarte Jugend – Kyuketsuki Weimar