Various - A Collection of Miyako Min'yō Butoh Songs = 宮古民謡舞踊曲集

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Label:Marushin Records


Used LP 1975

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (light wears/stains on back)

A collection of Miyako Island Min'yō featuring the participation of such leading figures in the Miyako Min'yō scene as legendary singer Gensei Tanahara, and Shigenobu Taira, who established the Min'yo Research Institute and worked to popularize Miyako min'yo. One of the representative Miyako Min'yō song "Hounen No Uta", "Nariyamaayagu" is still popular today and Min'yo song contests are held just for this song, "Toganiayagu" is sung at the opening of events such as weddings and celebrations, "Lullaby" sung by a woman (child?) with plenty of emotion, great contents thoughout. It’s very hard to find due to self-production release of a small island. It also seems that it is also being serialized.

宮古民謡の偉大な唄者 棚原玄正や民謡研究所を設立し宮古民謡の普及に努めた平良重信など宮古民謡界の重鎮が参加した自主制作舞踊曲集。宮古島を代表する民謡のひとつ”豊年の歌”、この曲だけの民謡大会も開かれるという現在でも親しまれる”なりやまあやぐ”、結婚式や祝い事などイベントの幕開けに歌われるという素晴らしい歌唱の”トーガニあやぐ”、女性(子供?)が情緒たっぷりに唄う”子守唄”など全編聴き応えあります。小さな島の自主製作リリースで稀少となっているようです。どうやらシリーズ化もされているようで、続編にも耳を傾けてみたいです。

A1 - 豊年の歌

A3 - 与並武岳金兄小

A5 - なりやまあやぐ

B1 - トーガニあやぐ

B3 - 子守唄

B5 - 狩俣のいさみが