Label:音楽之友社 = Ongaku No Tomo Sha Corp.
Used Flexi-disc 1988
Disc:VG+ (looks perfect but due to the characteristics of Flexi-disc, there is a little noise)
Jacket:VG+ (traces of tape left from when it was cut out of the magazine (probably there are traces on all products), otherwise good condition)
Masaya Matsuura, a genius musician known for his legendary early works on his own Copoto Records, his activities as Psy・S, his participation in Gontiti works, and later as a pioneer of game music. For this work, Matsuura selected 10 tracks from among the songs submitted in the music magazine Techii, in which Haruomi Hosono also participated. Our best track is "1920" with solid beat sense, produced by someone named Takashi Nakamura, included on A3. It's a short piece, so it makes you want to hear more. A2 and B2 are also interesting.
自身のCopoto Recordsからの伝説的初期作品、Psy・Sとしての活動、ゴンチチ作品への参加、その後はゲーム音楽の先駆としても知られる天才音楽家 松浦雅也。本作は細野晴臣も参加した音楽雑誌Techii(テッチー)内で応募された楽曲から10曲を選びソノシートに収録した付録を松浦が担当したもの。その中で当店的にベストと思うのがA3に収録の中村隆志なる人物が制作したソリッドなビート感覚を持った”1920”。もっと続きが聞きたい。その他A2やB2も面白いです。
A2 - 岩本義徳 - 夢見る信号機
A3 - 中村隆志 - 1920
B2 - コイート・ハート - タンポポのコーヒーⅡ
B3 - 4pac-rare - U・CA・CA