Used LP 1979
Disc:VG+ (slight surface noise at silent part, totally good shape and disc is shining)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs, tape mark, small writing)
A compilation album in 1979 by Ayui, one of Uruguay's leading label. It features five artists, including Leo Maslíah, Montresvideo, Estela Magnone and Rubén Olivera, under the title of introducing the new generation. The album begins with the unique "El Ómnibus," sung with piano rhythms by humorist Leo Maslíah, Fernando Cabrera's previous band, Montresvideo, recorded "Muelle," a slow and mellow tune with a speedy beginning, and "Sonrise," a folky tune with a beautiful flowing development, Estela Magnone's beautiful, flowing folky tune called "Sonrise.
Two tracks, "Cancion Para Despertar A Un Negrito" and "La Lavandera", have an indigenous essence derived from the folklore, and "Que Amor No Me Engana" sung by Cecilia Prato, in which Jorge Lazaroff also participates is also good. It's not flashy, but it's an interesting collection of tunes, including the historical background of 1979.
ウルグアイを代表するレーベルの一つAyuiの79年のコンピレーションアルバム。Leo Maslíah,Montresvideo,Estela Magnone,Rubén Oliveraなど新しい世代を紹介する名目の元に5組のアーティスの音源を収録しています。ユーモアリストLeo Maslíahのピアノのリズムと共に歌われる個性的な”El Ómnibus”から始まり、Fernando Cabreraのソロ以前の前身バンドMontresvideoはスピード感のある冒頭から緩急をつけてメロウにまとめる”Muelle"、流れるような美しい展開のフォーキー・チューン"Sonrise"を収録、Estela Magnoneのフォルクローレ由来の土着的なエッセンスの効いた”Cancion Para Despertar A Un Negrito","La Lavandera"の2曲、Jorge Lazaroffも参加するCecilia Pratoが歌う”Que Amor No Me Engana"も味わい深くていいです。派手さはないですが79年という時代背景も含め興味深い内容の楽曲群。
A1 - Leo Maslíah - El Ómnibus
A2 - Montresvideo - Muelle
A3 - Estela Magnone - Cancion Para Despertar A Un Negrito
A5 - Cecilia Prato - Que Amor No Me Engana
B1 - Montresvideo - Suicidio
B4 - Estela Magnone - La Lavandera