Label:PPA [Paladar Produções Artisticas] – PPA 016
Used 7" 33RPM 1983
Disc:VG+ (slight surface noise, great shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs, slight wera, totally good condition)
Brazilian EP in1983 by Valéria, a singer/pianist from the state of Rio de Janeiro. Born into a music family, while moving to Brasília and continuing to be a singer, this work was recorded in Rio from the persuasion of Darcy De Paulo, who participates in Jorge Ben and Ivan Lins' works. It starts with "Pé Na Estrada" a song with a clear voice and a floating intro that is reminiscent of the Minas release, and then moves to a samba rhythm, "Artimanhas" is a beautiful folky number with a delicate and mysterious melody inspired by fern leaves, which are said to be common in Brazil, "Marcação" most danceable samba MPB and "Moreno", melancholy love song written for a lover at the time, total 4 songs. Brazil magical minor single. This wonderful artwork had to be done in a hurry, and it appears to have been drawn by manipulating a photograph that resembles her.
リオデジャネイロ州出身のシンガー/ピアニストValériaによる83年のEP。音楽一家に生まれ、ブラジリアへ移り住みながら歌手活動を続けていた中、Jorge BenやIvan Lins諸作に参加するDarcy De Pauloの説得からリオにて録音が行われた作品。透明感のある歌声にミナス派に通ずる浮遊感のあるイントロからサンバのリズムに移っていく”Pé Na Estrada”に始まり、ブラジルでは一般的だというシダの葉からインスピレーションを受けて作られたという繊細で神秘的なメロディの美しいフォーキー・ナンバー”Artimanhas”、最もダンサンブルなサンバMPB”Marcação”、愛らしく哀愁のある当時の恋人のために書かれたラブソング”Moreno”の全4曲。ブラジル・マイナー・極上盤。オリジナルです。この素晴らしいアートワークは急ぎで間に合わせなけばならず、彼女に似ている写真を加工して描かれたようです。
A1 - Pé Na Estrada
A2 - Artimanhas
B1 - Marcação
B2 - Moreno