Toshifumi Hinata = 日向敏文 ‎– Reality In Love = ひとつぶの海

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Label:Alfa ‎– ALR-28091


Used LP 1986 Promo

Disc:VG+ (light wraped but not affect sound,only ultra light surface noise at quiet part as silent record,looks shiny and great shape)

Jacket:VG+/EX (great condition) w/obi,insert

The third album by Toshifumi Hinata, a composer known for his music production for many TV dramas and movies. Compared to the previous two works, "Sarah's Crime" and "Chat D'Ete" this album is a bit more relaxed and uses violin, harp, synthesizer in addition to his own piano to create a chamber music-like world view. A masterpiece, including the pure-hearted artwork.

数々のテレビドラマや映画の音楽制作でも知られる作曲家 日向敏文の86年のサードアルバム。前二作”サラの犯罪”,”夏の猫”に比べるとやや落ち着いた趣向の作品となっていて自身のピアノに加えバイオリン、ハープ、シンセサイザーを用いた室内楽のような世界観を描いています。純情的なアートワークも含め名作。

A2 - Colored Air

A6 - Passage

B3 - 光と水

B4 - In The Light