Toma/Natto – Zoomin' Away

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Label:Hula Records – HS-563


Used LP 1978

Disc:VG+ (feel slight surface noise, totally good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (soft white ring wear, light scuffs, not bad condition) w/inner sleeve (wears/stains)

The first album in 1978 by Toma/Natto, a legendary Hawaiian duo consisting of Dave Toma and Richard Natto, who even released a new album in February of this year, despite the duo's repeated dissolutions and reunions. The album begins with the title track "Zoomin' Away," a melancholy tune about a love affair, followed by the danceable tune "Gone Tomorrow, Here Today" led by Dennis Kailiuli's drumming, Hawaiian mellow ”Can I Touch You (If I Said)”, the gently grooving AOR tune "Loan-some Love”, The Hawaiian fusion "Domestic Lady" starts off with an acoustic guitar tone and builds up. Totally floating vibes. Hawaiian AOR masterpiece. 

デュオ解消や再結成を繰り返しながらも今年2月にもニューアルバムをリリースしているDave TomaとRichard Nattoによるレジェンダリー・ハワイアン・デュオToma/Nattoの78年のファーストアルバム。恋愛模様を歌った少しもの悲し気なタイトル曲”Zoomin' Away”に始まり、Dennis Kailiuliのドラミングが先導するダンサンブルな”Gone Tomorrow, Here Today”、ハワイアン・メロー”Can I Touch You (If I Said)”、緩やかなグルーヴが心地良いAORチューン”Loan-some Love”、アコースティックギターの音色から始まる緩急をつけた展開で魅せるハワイアン・フュージョン”Domestic Lady”などを筆頭にハワイアンAORの傑作の名に恥じない素晴らしい内容。最高です。

A1 - Zoomin' Away

A2 - Can I Touch You (If I Said)

A4 - Really Too Much

A5 - Gone Tomorrow, Here Today

B1 - Loan-some Love

B3 - Zola-Kola

B4 - Domestic Lady