Thilo von Westernhagen & Ellen Homilius – Sonnengesang

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Label:Wap Records – EfA 6492 LP 08


Used LP 1986

Disc:VG+ (feel slight surface noise at some parts, good shape overall)

Jacket:VG+ (small price tag on back, good condition overall)

1986 piece by German composer/multi-instrumentalist Thilo von Westernhagen who is also known for his many film works, and vocalist Ellen Homilius. It's showcasing avant-garde style spiritual ethno-sound that incorporates contemporary, experimental, ambient, ethnic.. A total of 9 tracks filled with a well-honed musical senssibillity, including "Introduction", "Cantico I - Message - Cantico II", and "Cantico VI". Impressive thoughout. 

多くの映画作品でも知られるドイツ人作曲家/マルチ奏者Thilo von Westernhagenとヴォーカリスト/打楽器奏者Ellen Homiliusの二人による86年の作品。コンテンポラリー、エクスペリメンタル、アンビエント、エスニック、スピリチュアル等を飲み込んだ前衛霊性エスノサウンドを披露。”Introduction”, "Cantico I - Message - Cantico II", "Cantico VI"を筆頭に研ぎ澄まされた音楽感覚みなぎる全9曲。全編極上。

A1 - Introduction

A2 - Cantico I - Message - Cantico II

A3 - Message - Cantico III - Message

A4 - Cantico IV

B1 - Cantico V

B2 - Message

B3 - Cantico VI

B4 - Cantico VII - Coda