The Howard Hanger Trio ‎– A Child is Born

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Used LP 1974

Disc:VG+/VG (light surface noise,plays great)

Jacket:VG+ (has scrubs on bottom part,totally nice condition)

A piece of spiritually elegant jazz released by The Howard Hanger Trio, led by American pianist / composer Howard Hanger, in 1974. Among them, the most impressive tune is B1 that from the thrilling opening performance to gets enthusiasm and enters the elegant part of the second half,passive smooth jazz A4 and nice cover tune in it.

アメリカ人ピアニスト/コンポーザーHoward Hanger率いるThe Howard Hanger Trioが74年にリリースしたスピリチュアル感溢れるエレガントなジャズを収録した一枚。中でも白眉はB1のスリリングな序盤の演奏から熱気を帯びて後半のエレガントなパートに突入していく展開が思わず聞き入ってしまいます、色気を帯びたスムースジャズA4、カバーなども収録した名盤。

A2 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

A4 - No Room

B1 - A Child is Born