Tamba Trio - S.T.

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Label:RCA – PG-138


Used LP 1980

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+/VG (light wears/stains, one tape repair part on back, totally not bad condition) w/obi (torn on back), insert

The Tamba Trio (Tamba 4) was active in the 1960s as the pinnacle of the jazz samba combo led by Luiz Eca, Helcio Milito and Bebeto. This is known as Blue Tamba, which was revived and released by the original members mentioned above in the 70's. While the previous work Black Tamba was avant-garde style, this Blue Tamba is a collection of mellow covers with onkyo (commonly useing music words in Japan. explores the fine-grained textural details of acoustic and electronic sound) melodies. The core of the group, Helcio Milito's percussion ensemble with his handmade percussion kid, Luiz Eca's flexible keyboard works with synth and Bebeto's bass and flute accentuate the composition is full of fresh impression even cover songs. The songs with early onkyo sense A2/A3/A5/B5 and of course, there is no doubt about the mellow tunes that are the main part of this album. Japanese title "light blue romance". Comes with obi and insert written by Chikara Ueda.

Luiz Eca, Helcio Milito, Bebetoを中心としたジャズサンバコンボの最高峰として60年代を彩ったTamba Trio (Tamba 4)。本作は70年代に前述のオリジナルメンバーにて復活しリリースされた通称ブルー・タンバ。前作ブラック・タンバは前衛的な内容だったのに対しこのブルー・タンバは音響的メロディを多分に配したメロウなカバー集。グループの核となるHelcio Militoお手製のパーカッションキッドによる打楽器アンサンブル、Luiz Ecaのシンセを交えた柔軟な鍵盤使い、Bebetoのベースにアクセントとなっているフルート等がが一体となったカバー曲の構成ながら先進的な感覚に溢れています。A2/A3/A5/B5を筆頭に改めて聴くとハッとさせられる早すぎた音響的感覚にメロウな曲群ももちろん間違いないです。邦題”水色のロマン”。なかなか見かけない日本プレス盤帯付き。インサートは上田力が担当しています。

A1 - 3 Horas Da Manhã

A2 - Visgo De Jaca

A3 - Ou Bola Ou Bulica

A4 - Beira-Mar

A5 - Olha Maria (Amparo)

B1 - Jogo Da Vida

B4 - Contra O Vento

B5 - Beijo Partido