Takashi Hosokawa (Michio Mihashi) = 細川たかし (三橋美智貴) - 望郷 / 民謡アルバム

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Label:Columbia – AX-7195


Used LP 1978

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (light wear, totally good condition) w/obi, insert

Min'yō album by Enka colossal figure Takashi Hosokawa, who had been highly regarded for his lung capacity trained as a Min'yō singer before his debut in 1975 as Enka singer. This album was released after an encounter with the legendary Michiya Mihashi of the Min'yō world, who gave him the name "Michio Mihashi" which is the name of the Mihashi ”school” of Min'yō. Perhaps riding on the boom at the time, the disco-style "Kiso-bushi" and "Yosakoi-bushi" are good tunes that enhance the groove even more with his singing ability. There are also a boogie style "Tsugaru jongara bushi" with shamisen, a mid-tempo tunes, and Min'yō tune that could be interpreted as a Japanese new age. The content of the show is rich and varied.

演歌界の大御所 細川たかしによる78年の民謡アルバム。75年のデヴュー以前より民謡の歌い手として鍛えられたその肺活量を活かした歌声が評価されていたようですが、三橋美智也との出会いから民謡にも再度携わり三橋流「三橋美智貴」の名も授かりリリースされたのが本作。当時のブームに乗ってか、民謡をベースにしたディスコ調の”木曽節”、”よさこい節”が拳の効いた歌声もより一層グルーヴを引き立てるグッド・チューン。他にも三味線が舞うブギー調”津軽じょんがら節”、ミッド調の楽曲、和ニューエイジ解釈可能?な曲まで濃い内容。これはいいです。

A5 - よさこい節

B5 - 木曽節

YouTube link to a recording from a similar condition to this disc.
