Label:Sondor – 44329
Used LP 1983
Disc:VG+ (feel slight surface noise as quiet latin record, think good category)
Jacket:VG+ (light wears/wrinkles/scuffs, not bad condition)
The second album in 1983 by Sylvia Meyer, one of Uruguay's most legendary artists, who has worked in various fields of music. Recorded in Norway, it is a contemporary work performed by Sylvia Meyer, except for guitarist Daniel Amaro. A total of 11 tracks performed with powerful and delicate vocals on a piano that exudes precision, sophistication, and elegance. It's bit hard to understand whole detail from just one listen, but when you listen carefully, the goodness of the music comes through. A2/A5/B5 are particularly rocking. One of the earliest works that has become hard to fine.
映画、演劇なども含め様々な音楽の分野で活動してきたウルグアイの最重要アーティストのひとりSylvia Meyerによるセカンドアルバムに当たる83年作。録音はノルウェーで行われ、ギターのDaniel Amaro以外は全てSylvia Meyerによる演奏のコンテンポラリー作品。精緻、洗練、気品を感じさせるピアノの演奏に力強く繊細なヴォーカルで奏でる全11曲を収録。一聴しただけではなかなか伝わりずらいですが、しっかり聞き込んでいるとその良さが滲み出てきます。特にA2/A5/B5は揺さぶられます。稀少となっている初期作品のひとつ。
A2 - Para Marco, Dibujante
A3 - Apenas Enamorada
A4 - No Se Nombra
A5 - Palabras Enamoradas
B5 - El Cuarto Dondevivimos