Label:Disques M.A.G. – MAG 105
Used LP 197?
Disc:VG+ (feel light pops/slight dust noise but totally good shape, we judge VG+ condition, please check audio sample)
Jacket:VG+ (slight wear, Distributor's seal on back, not bad condition)
Super Jamano De Dakar, one of the most famous bands in Mbalax, which combines Western music such as jazz, soul, Latin and rock with Senegalese ethnic music. This album seems to have been released around 1977, which is the early era of band formation, and with the traditional percussion instrument "Savar" at the core, synths,electric guitar,etc are added to the psychedelic groove with a blues-like atmosphere, which is completely different from other Afro music. Wonder what this heartwarming emotion is. Superlative!
ジャズ、ソウル、ラテン、ロックなどの西洋音楽とセネガルの民族音楽を融合させたンバラの代表的バンドSuper Jamano De Dakarによる一枚。本作はどうやらバンド結成初期に当たる77年頃のリリースのようで、伝統打楽器サバールにシンセ、エレキなどが加わりながらサイケグルーヴにブルースの様な空気感がまとう他のアフロものとは一線を画す強烈な楽曲群。非常に味わい深く人懐っこい風情も感じます。全曲いいです。最高!
A1 - Yamatee Nee Law
A2 - Indu Waad
A3 - Cuur Ngonee Ngalang
B1 - Muugn
B2 - Manduleen
B3 - Geedy Dayaan