Sunset Hills Hotel - S.T.

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Label:Interface – CTK-7148


Used Cassette 1987

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

J-Card:VG+ (clean) w/insert

The first release from the Sunset Hills Hotel series produced by Shigeru Suzuki. Suzuki has gathered talented artists to create tracks that depict a relaxing and fantastical space, based on a fictional hotel. The final track, "Her Sunset Smile" by Masataka Matsutoya, is particularly known as one of the album's highlight. The song's structure is also excellent, bringing out the travelling vibe.

鈴木茂がプロデュースを務めたSunset Hills Hotelの第一弾。鈴木の元に集まった実力派アーティストが架空のホテルを題材にリラクシンかつ幻想空間を描いた楽曲を提供しています。ラストに収録の松任谷正隆による”Her Sunset Smile”は屈指の名曲として知られています。旅情を引き立てる楽曲構成も素晴らしい。デザインも秀逸なカセットテープ版。

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