Label:Ode Records – SODE 194
Country:New Zealand
Used LP 1984
Disc:VG+ (totally good shape, only feel slight surface noise at quiet part)
Jacket:VG+ (light wrinkle, slight stain on right upper part, totally good condition)
Located in the Southwest Pacific region, Papua New Guinea consists of the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and the surrounding islands. Sanguma was a Papua New Guinean musical ensemble that was active from 1977 to 1985, and later became one of first music group in the country to perform internationally while working with Ric Halstead, a musician who was also active in the Hong Kong jazz scene in 80's. This is a true gem released in 1984, when the group had gained a lot of international experience and was entering a period of maturity. The album contains 7 tracks ranging from jazz funk, fusion, ethno instrumental, ethnic ensembles, all with a more sophisticated flavor while retaining a sense of their native culture. Just brilliant. This LP release is very valuable among most cassette releases.
南西太平洋地域に位置しニューギニア島の東半分と周辺の島々からなる国パプアニューギニア。Sangumaは1977年から1985年まで活動したパプアニューギニアの音楽アンサンブルで、初期は後に香港ジャズシーンでも活躍する音楽家Ric Halsteadと共に活動しながら同国で最初の国際的な公演を行った音楽グループへと遂げていきます。本作は数々の国際的な経験も積みグループも円熟期に入っていた84年リリースの超傑作。本国の風土を感じさせながらもより洗練味を増したジャズファンク~フュージョン~エスノインスト曲~民族アンサンブルまで全7曲を収録。最高です。カセットリリースがほとんどの中このLPリリースは非常に貴重となっています。おそらくプレス数も少ないと思われなかなか出てきません。
A1 - Garden Song
A2 - Namilai
A4 - Woma
B1 - Crystal Rapids
B2 - Welcome To The House
B3 - Sosi Sosi