Salvador Ferreras ‎– To Drive In L.A.

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Label:Miramar Records


Used LP 1987

Disc:NM (sealed copy just opened for checking condition and rec-ed samples.The record is slightly distorted from the saved state probably, but it does not affect playing(especially track A1 [System] Technicks MK5,Grado Gold1 1.5g) )

Jacket:NM (in shrink) w/insert

Canadian percussionist Salvador Ferreras, known for having a doctorate in folk music, released this masterpiece in 1987. A number of specific melodies that can only be played by a person who knows the rhythm and produced by John Celona, an American composer who has written for Pygmy Unit, Folkway, and even some crazy solo works. From the magical beat-in-provisions and variety of spiritual percussion sounds to songs reminiscent of the works of Brazilian genius Fernando Falcao, every corner of the song is overwhelmed.

カナダ人打楽器奏者Salvador Ferreras、民族音楽の博士号を持つ事で知られる彼が87年に発表した傑作。リズムを知り尽くす異人だけが放てる旋律の数々にプロデュースにはPygmy UnitやFolkwayから、はたまたヤバいソロ作まで残す米人作曲家John Celonaを迎えた作品で魔法のようなビートインプロヴィゼイション、複雑なアプローチの霊性打楽器サウンドからブラジルの奇才Fernando Falcao諸作を思い起こさせる曲まで隅から隅まで圧倒される曲群。未開封品ですが保存状態からか少し盤が歪んでいますが再生には影響ありません。

A1 - Jersey St.

A3 - Boomer

A4 - Emerald Soft

B1.1 - Primitive Cool

B1.3 - Imaging East

B2 - Glassbowls