Roberto Laneri – Anadyomene

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Label:Ismez/Polis Music – I.S. 25002


Used LP 1987

Disc:VG+/EX (great shape)

Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs on around right upper corner, totally clean) w/insert, lyric seat

A multi-instrumentalist/vocalist Roberto Laneri, member of the voice performance group Prima Materia, and has left behind Roberto Donnini work and spiritual work based on the Amazon. This work was produced in 1987 as part of a research project on ancient Mediterranean civilizations. The music is almost entirely performed by Roberto Laneri and includes a variety of unusual music that is like flipping through a musical picture scroll of psychedelia, symphony, otherworldly, ethnic. Magical ability to connect different time-spaces.

音声パフォーマンス集団Prima Materiaの一員であり、Roberto Donnini作品、アマゾンを題材にしたスピリチュアル作品を残すマルチ奏者/声楽家Roberto Laneri。本作は古代地中海文明の研究プロジェクトの一貫にて制作された87年作。ほぼ全ての演奏をRoberto Laneriが務め、サイケデリア、シンフォニー、異界、エスニック、風俗などが紡ぐ音楽絵巻をめくるような異形音楽の数々を収録。是非通してこの世界観を覗いて頂きたいです。

A1 - Nyx

A2 - Contra Mulieres

A4 - Dispetti Di Cupido

A5 - La Caccia

B1 - Animalia

B2 - Epithalamion