Label:Beginner's Mind Productions
Used Cassette 1991
Tape:EX (plays fine)
Sleeve/Case:EX (opened for checking sound from new copy)
A cassette tape work of 1991, which is the second album of the spiritual artist Rich Goodhart who is still active. Total 10 tunes of mystical, meditative, and experimental music created from a wide variety of ethnic instruments. In particular, the two-part polyrhythmic B1, ethno-new age B2, and the continental-sounding A3 will give you a sense of quality. There are still many artists like this sleeping.
現在も活動を続けるスピリチュアル・アーティストRich Goodhartのセカンドアルバムに当たる91年のカセットテープ作品。多種多様の民族楽器から生み出される神秘的/メディティティブかつ実験精神にも富んだ楽曲群。とりわけ二部構成のポリリズムなB1、エスノ・ニューエイジB2や大陸的な響きを見せるA3などはクオリティを感じて頂けると思います。まだまだこういうアーティストが眠っているんですね。
A1 - Learning to Fly
A3 - Take Me To The Water
B1 - Anything You Want/Anytime That I Can
B2 - Blue Bertolli
B5 - Anyway That You Like!