Quique Sinesi, César Franov ‎– Sonidos De Aquel Dia

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Label:Melopea Producciones/Interdisc


Used LP 1981

Disc:VG+ (There is distortions in the disc, but do not affect the playback. good condition but light surface noise at quiet part)

Jacket:VG+ (has age scrubs,totally good condition)

Quique Sinesi, one of Argentina's leading guitarists, has been working leading folklore jazzian as Alfombra Magica or neo-folklore works with Carlos Aguirre,Puente Celeste,more, and César Franov who is a member of Spinetta Jade and Grupo Encuentro,and in the 90's, he joined a number of works for Melopea of Litto Nebbia,
also has been released by Los Hermanos Franov, a unit centered around the Franov brothers on there. This is a masterpiece released in 1981, the beginning of their careers. It's a work with a pure melodic line, elegant playing form, and the coarseness of early impulses (a compliment). First of all, jazz rock A3 "Caja De Ilusiones" showing an avant-garde aspect that progresses at dynamic and smooth tempo, B1 "Jalva", the beauty of the middle part like the sound of the crystal that is similar to the work of the 90's, B1 "Jalva", smooth performance B2 "Alma Linda" playing warm jazz, and organic Latin jazz B4 "Olia" where Nebbia takes vocals. Just amazing. 

There are some distortions on the disc, but the following setup did not interfere with the playback.

Alfombra Magicaといった先鋭的なフォルクローレ・ジャズから盟友カルロスアギーレとのネオフォルクローレ作品までを股にかけるアルゼンチンを代表するギタリストの一人Quique SinesiとSpinetta JadeやGrupo Encuentroのメンバーでもあり90年代にはLitto NebbiaのMelopea界隈で数々の作品に参加しFranov兄弟中心のユニットLos Hermanos Franov等でもリリース歴のあるCésar Franovが二人のキャリア初期に当たる81年に発表した名作。 純情的なメロディーライン、エレガントな演奏フォームに初期衝動の様な粗々しさも見え隠れする(誉め言葉)作品となっていて、まずは心地よいテンポで進行するアヴァンギャルドな一面も見せるジャズロックA3"Caja De Ilusiones"、90年代の作品のも通じるクリスタルの響きの様な中盤のパートの美しさが素晴らしすぎるB1”Jalva”、滑らかな演奏で温かみのあるジャズを奏でるB2"Alma Linda"、Nebbiaがヴォーカルを取るオーガニックラテンジャズB4"Olia”と完璧な内容です。


A3 - Caja De Ilusiones

B1 - Jalva

B2 - Alma Linda

B4 - Olia

Material : GRADO Gold 1 (1.5g) with stabilizer