Label:Comep – LP 6723-7
Used LP 1991
Disc:VG+ (totally good shape, only feel slight surface noise at quiet part)
Jacket:VG+ (light wears, artist autographed on back)
1991 album by Quinteto Buenos Aires, a five-piece jazz group led by Carlos Pérren and Alberto Ranellucci, who are closely associated with Brazilian scene’s acoustic and electronic artists such as Edson Natale and Mitar Subotic aka Rex Ilusivii. The band name and song titles suggest a connection to Argentina, but it is unknown. The album contains 8 tracks with a neat performance form, melancholy, adult-oriented, mellowness, and strings that can be released from Mellopea label of Argentina. The entire album is sure to be a winner, particularly vibrant "Marzo" which will make your body sway, the smooth neo-folk sound of "Sur Del Mundo", and "80/85", which is enchanted by the wet sound are irresistible. Released from the Comep label, which is full of good works. Very rare.
Edson NataleやMitar Subotic aka Rex Ilusiviiなどブラジル音響派とも関りが深いCarlos PérrenとAlberto Ranellucciが中心となって結成された5人組ジャズ・グループQuinteto Buenos Airesによる91年作。バンド名や曲名からアルゼンチンと関りがあると思われますが不明。前述Edson Nataleの盟友Alex Bragaがディレクターを務めながら、正にMelopeaからリリースされていてもおかしくないような端正な演奏フォーム、哀愁、色気、メロウネス、ストリングスが溶け合う全8曲を収録。全編間違いないですが、思わず身体が揺れる躍動的な”Marzo”、滑らかなネオ・フォークサウンドを聞かせる”Sur Del Mundo”、瑞々しい音響にうっとりの”80/85”あたりはたまりません。良作ひしめくComepレーベルからのリリース。ようやく入荷できました。
A1 - São Paulo
A2 - Ouro Preto
A3 - Sur Del Mundo
A4 - 80/85
B1 - Reencontro
B2 - Tango
B3 - Marzo
B4 - Rio Negro