Label:Taretone – TTL 201
Used LP 198X
Disc:VG+ (good shape, maybe unplayed copy)
Jacket:VG+ (light wears but in shrink)
Probably mid-80s release by singer Princess Futi, produced entirely by Eric Kol, a Nigerian producer and percussionist who has produced masterpieces of his own. Total technical performance and you can feel pleasant quality rhythm. Among the best tracks are the mid-boogie A2 "Zulu Warriors," the tropical synth-boogie B1 "Heros Of Africa" with reggae rhythm, and the highly recommended Afro-reggae "Ugqozi (Love Song)" with Balearic feel. It's probably completely unknown and not soaring, but the content is outstanding, so please check it out.
自身でも傑作を残しているナイジェリア人プロデューサー/打楽器奏者Eric Kolが全面プロデュースを手掛けたシンガーPrincess Futiによる80年中頃リリース作品。全編テクニカルな演奏も光る程よいリズムも気持ちいいクオリティな楽曲を収録。中でもミッドブギーA2”Zulu Warriors”、レゲエリズムのトロピカル・シンセ・ブギーB1”Heros Of Africa”、そして超オススメのバレアリック的感覚のアフロ・レゲエ”Ugqozi (Love Song)”が最高です。おそらく全くの無名かつ高騰などしてませんが内容抜群ですのでチェックしてみて下さい。
A2 - Zulu Warriors
A3 - Mama Ngi Yalila
B1 - Heros Of Africa (Amaghawe E. Africa)
B2 - Ugqozi (Love Song)