Powerman ‎– Lost Tribe

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Label:Battery Sound


Used 12" 1983

Disc:VG++ (great shape)

Jacket:VG+ (good condition)

12 inch single with 4 tracks in 1983 by Powerman, the main project by Mark Freedman, who was the owner of Battery Sound which was said to have been an experiment place for strangers in downtown NY including Arthur Russell, and was also active as musician himself. The 13-minute mid-left field track "Lost Tribe", in which Arthur Russell participated in the cello, is always vivid. Also B1"Love Whisperings" is nice track. A few years ago dead stock copy came out.

Arthur Russellを始めNYダウンタウンのくせ物たちの実験の場だったというBattery Soundのオーナーにして自らもミュージシャンとして活動していたMark FreedmanによるメインプロジェクトPowermanによる83年の4曲入り12インチシングル。前述Arthur Russellがチェロにて参加した13分に及ぶミッド・レフトフィールド・トラック”Lost Tribe”がやはり鮮烈。裏面B1"Love Whisperings"もいい内容ですのでお見逃しなく。数年前のデッドストック発掘品が出てきました。

A2 - Lost Tribe

B1 - Love Whisperings