Peter Patzer – Pos-Attractions

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Label:Crea Music – CM 03


Used LP 1984

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (good condition)

One of the series left behind by German composer/keyboardist Peter Patzer. Released in 1984. This album mainly includes DIY dance-like tracks with analog beats and flexible melody work based on his own synths. The highlight is "You Are Not The One For Me," the only vocal track on the album, which combines a mellow groove with thrilling synth work. Other recommended tracks include "Disco Funk" with its melancholy synth part in the second half, slow mellow boogie "Pos Attraction" and the dreamy synth "Soft Edge. The entire album is a pleasure to listen to. Released on the Bremen-based Crea Music label. Beautiful white vinyl edition.

ドイツ人コンポーザー/鍵盤奏者Peter Patzerが残した一連のシリーズのひとつ。リリースは84年。本作では自身のシンセを軸にアナロギーなビート、柔軟なメロディワークを備えたDIYダンス的トラックを中心に収録。なんといっても唯一のヴォーカル曲にして、まろやかなグルーヴ、スリリングなシンセワークが一体となった”You Are Not The One For Me”がハイライト。他にも後半のシンセ使いにグッとくる"Disco Funk"、スロー・メロウ・ファンク”Pos Attraction”、ドリーミー・シンセ”Soft Edge”など筆頭に全編楽しんで頂けます。リリースはブレーメンを拠点にしたCrea Musicより。ホワイトヴァイナル版美品。

A1 - Disco Funk

A2 - San Francisco

A3 - You Are Not The One For Me

B2 - Pos Attraction

B3 - Soft Edge

B5 - Relax On Sunday