Pekka Airaksinen – Buddhas Of Golden Light

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Label:O Records – ORLPGL-101


Used LP 1984

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)

Jacket:VG+ (light general wear/scuff, strongly good category)

Pekka Airaksinen, an outsider musician born in Finland, known as the central figure of the legendary group The Sparm, famous for their extremely radical performances, and has also left behind many mad solo works. This work was released in 1984 during his solo career from 1978 to 1985. First, "Sukirti" is an intense mix of freaky electronic/brass instruments, abstract beats, and a chaotic worldview, and followed "Suvarnasatarasmibhasagarbha" sounds like a dream-like passage, and "Ratnasikhin" sounds like a breakbeat with strong psychedelic/acid/free elements. On the other side, “Kandrasuryapradipa” is a full B-side, that cuts to oriental keyboard work and madness mode, while maintaining the same freaky electronics/beats. The album's distinctive feature is its elusive, Dadaist approach. The vibrant jacket, which reflects the faith of Tibetan Buddhism is also wonderful.

超過激なパフォーマンスで名を馳せた伝説のグループThe Sparmの中心人物として知られソロでもマッドな作品を多数残すフィンランドが生んだアウトサイダー作家Pekka Airaksinen。本作は78年から85年のソロ活動期に残した84年の作品。まずフリーキーな電子/ブラス楽器使い、アブストラクトなビート感覚、カオティックな世界観が強烈にミックスされた”Sukirti”に飛ばされながら、夢の狭間を抜けていくような”Suvarnasatarasmibhasagarbha”、サイケ/アシッド/フリーあたりの要素を強く感じさせるブレイクビーツにも聞こえてくる”Ratnasikhin”をA面。対するB面いっぱいに

A1 - Sukirti

A2 - Suvarnasatarasmibhasagarbha

A3 - Ratnasikhin

B Ssample 1

B Ssample 2

B Ssample 3