Label:Better Days – YP-2501-N
Used 10" 1980
Disc:VG+ (nice shape)
Jacket:VG+ (great condition) w/insert
Japan's leading percussionist/producer Pecker's 80' 10"single. Ryuichi Sakamoto, who also worked on "Teresa Noda - Tropical Love" in 1979, and Minako Yoshida's vocals shine through on "Kylyn," a great tune that gives goosebumps no matter how many times Ihear it. This song alone is enough, but don't miss the Beggar Suite, which is divided into three parts on the A side, especially Part 1 with electronic sounds is recommended. The original 10" version is the best!
日本を代表するパーカショ二スト/プロデューサーPeckerの80年の10”シングル。やはりB2に収録の79年には”テレサ野田 – トロピカル ラブ”も手掛けている坂本龍一の手腕と吉田美奈子のヴォーカルが光る、何度聞いても鳥肌モノの名曲”Kylyn”が素晴らしいです。この曲だけでも十分ですがA面の三部構成に別れたBeggar Suiteも見逃せません、特に電子音が効いたPart 1がオススメ。オリジナルの10"のこの体裁がやはりベスト!
A1 - Beggar Suite (Part 1)
B2 - Kylyn