Osamu Kitajima = 喜多嶋修 – Masterless Samurai

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Label:Alfa – ALR-6035


Used LP 1980

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)

Jacket:VG+ (good condition overall) w/obi (light wrinkle on back), insert

Since releasing psychedelic cult work recorded in London in the early 70s and moving to LA in the mid 70s, composer Osamu Kitajima has released a series of releases fusing traditional Japanese music with progressive rock, psychedelic rock, new age, more. This 1980 work from Alfa label which expanded into the US, features Japanese grooves using Japanese instruments such as the koto, biwa, shamisen, and shakuhachi, as the title suggests. Although like this project tends to be a bit sketchy, as evidenced by its long residency in the U.S., the grooves are varied and diverse, from delicate grooves to dynamic jazz rock. We especially recommend A3/B2/B4. It's a very well-made album.

70年代前半にロンドン録音のサイケカルト作品をリリースし70年半ばにLAに移住して以来、日本の伝統音楽とプログレッシブロック、サイケデリックロック、ニューエイジ等を融合させたリリースを重ねた作曲家 喜多嶋修。本作はアメリカに進出したAlfa企画による、タイトルからも伝わる琴、琵琶、三味線、尺八などの和楽器を用いた和グルーヴを収録した80年作。大雑把になりがちな企画ですが長い滞在歴を物語るように繊細なグルーヴからダイナミックなジャズロックまで変幻自在のグルーヴが聴き所。特にA3/B2/B4は当店的にオススメ。非常によくできたアルバム。

A1 - Golden Mean

A2 - Wild Monk

A3 - Sei... Essence

A5 - Masterless Samurai

B2 - Edo Townsfolk

B4 - Koshaku... To The Point