Label:RCA Camden
Used LP 1982
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+/VG (ring wear/scuffs, on small tag, totally not bad condition as Brazilian stuff)
A Brazilian cover album sung in an altered duck voice in 1982. From Newton Family, Pino Massara to the Beatles, the classic songs of the past are revived in a duck voice!? a bit unique album. Among them, it is a nice part to cover Forró's masterpiece "Abri A Porta" by accordion player Dominguinhos who participated in vocals and arrangements by Gilbert Gil. Not sure if it's for educational purposes or a parody, but it seems to be a cult favorite.
82年アヒル声の変声で歌われるブラジル産のカバーアルバム。Newton Family,Pino MassaraからBeatlesまで往年の名曲がアヒル声で蘇る!?の少し珍盤的な内容。その中でGilbert Gilがヴォーカル、アレンジで参加したアコーディオン奏者DominguinhosによるForró名曲”Abri A Porta”がカバーされているのが嬉しい所。教育用なのかパロディものか不明ですが知る人ぞ知る盤のようです。ネタとしても◎。
A1 - Santa Maria
A3 - Mais Sexy
A5 - Abri A Porta
B1 - Felicidade
B3 - Melô Do Aplauso