Label:World Circuit – WCB 014
Used LP 1989
Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)
Jacket:VG+ (nice condition)
Orchestra Baobab is a representative band of Senegal that was formed in 1970 as the house band of the Baobab Club in Dakar, by half of the members of Star Band de Dakar. They released 20 albums before disbanding in 1987. This album was originally released in France in 1983, and was reissued in the UK in 1989 during the world music revival that followed. The band was made up of members from Togo, Mali, and even tribes, and although various languages were spoken, the band was united from beginning to end with glace and pleasant tension.The Baobab Club was mainly frequented by ministers and senior civil servants, and had a strict dress code, and in 1979 the band was charging $4,500 per show. It's not the image of an African club that we imagine, but perhaps they moved on to playing music that would satisfy this type of customer rather than the young people. And It's a sad story that after the club closed, young people at the time began to prefer a more raw and funky sound, which led to the band's disbandment.
1970年にセネガルの首都ダカールに誕生したバオバオクラブのハウスバンドとして、Star Band de Dakarから半数が引き抜かれる形で結成され87年に解散するまで20枚のアルバムを残した同国を代表するバンドOrchestra Baobab。本作はオリジナルは83年にフランスでリリースされ、その後に訪れたワールドミュージック復興にてUKで再発された89年リリース版。トーゴ、マリ、部族出身者までが混在していたようで、様々な言語が飛び交いながらバンドとしては優雅かつ気持ちいいテンションで終始結ばれています。バオバオクラブは閣僚や上級公務員が主な常連客でドレスコードも厳格な上、79年当時でバンドは1公演4500ドルを要求していたんだとか。思い描くアフリカのクラブ像とは違うかもわかりませんが若者ではなくこのような客層を納得させる演奏へと移っていったのでしょうか。このような作風からクラブ閉店後、当時の若者はより生々しくファンキーなサウンドを好むようになり解散へと至ったとはなんだか切ない話。
A1 - Coumba
A2 - Ledi Ndieme M'bodj
B2 - Ray Mbele
B3 - Soldadi