Label:IRA – DE-LP 33005
Used LP 1986
Disc:VG+ (only slight surface noise at quiet part,totally good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light crease/scrubs, totally nice condition)
The only album by O.A.S.I., a multi-media project led by ethnomusicologist Paolo Modugno. An immanent worldview that combines a sense of sound that absorbs all genres with a tribal sense that uses various ethnic instruments at a high level. ESpecially The ethno-groove of "Il Cavaliere Azzurro" with its tripping kalimba and other tones, and "Piani Incrociahti" with its uneven keyboard work and ambient sounds are impressive. The rest of the tunes are also top-notch. Just amazing.
民族音楽研究家Paolo Modugnoが率いたマルチ・メディア・プロジェクトO.A.S.I.の唯一作。あらゆるジャンルを吸収した音響工作に様々な民族楽器を用いたトライバル感覚が高次元に結びついた音世界。カリンバなどの音色がトリップしていくエスノ・グルーヴに満ちた”Il Cavaliere Azzurro”と不均一な鍵盤にアンビエントな音響が交差し気づいたらそのグルーヴに引き込まれている”Piani Incrociahti”がとにかく凄すぎます。他の曲も一級品。これは是非いいサウンドシステムで聴きたいです。
A3 - Il Gioco Dei Sogni
A4 - Piani Incrociati
B1 - Richiami
B4 - Kandisco Due