Michael Atherton – Solo With Instruments

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Label:Great Island Records – GIR LP 001


Used LP 1987

Disc:VG+ (feel slight surface noise at some silent part as quiet record, totally good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (only minor wear, good condition)

Michael Atherton, a member of Southern Crossings, an Australian experimental group that links tradition and modernity, released this solo work privately in 1987. Includes 10 improvisational performances influenced by medieval Europe and the Middle East, focusing on various ethnic instruments including those made by himself. Include the modified zithers on "Fresco" sound ethereal, “Wooden Trumpet” switches to the performance of the Aboriginal brass instrument Didgeridoo while the sound of legbells played on the feet gradually approaches, "Gew Gaw" with an impressive tone of the Jaw Harp, a ethnic instrument resembling a bottle opener, and 3 Hole Pipe and stringed cittern "Circle Dance" with a pleasant organic sound. Dive to various thoughts while comparing each instrument.

オーストラリアの大陸間実験グループSouthern CrossingsのメンバーMichael Athertonが87年に自主にて発表したソロ作品。自作を含む様々な民族楽器にフォーカスしながら中世ヨーロッパと中近東の影響を受けた即興演奏全10曲を収録。改造ツィターが美しい幽玄に響く”Fresco”、足につけて演奏するLegbellsの音色が次第に近づいてきながらアボリジニの金管楽器Didgeridooの演奏へスイッチする”Wooden Trumpet”、栓抜きみたいな民族楽器Jaw Harpの音色が印象的な”Gew Gaw”、3 Hole Pipeと弦楽楽器シターンによるオーガニックな響きが気持ちいい”Circle Dance”などなど楽器と照らし合わせながら様々な想いを巡らせてください。

A1 - Circle Dance

A2 - Blue Saltarello

A4 - Wooden Trumpet

B1 - Gew Gaw

B3 - Fresco

B5 - The Pipers Laugh