Used LP 1984
Disc:VG+ (only super light surface noise at quiet part)
Jacket:VG+ (has some wear like a tape mark, totally very clean) w/original insert
Luis Delgado, a Spanish genius musician known for his solo and produced works that combine music from Andalusia, the Orient, the Middle East, and other parts of the world and as the originator of "Comet of Madrid" , Keyboardist and sound engineer Eugenio Muñoz, who also works under the masterful Randomize name. This is the first album of their electronic unit Mecanica Popular in 1984, one of the most important works of Spanish electro music. A total of 12 tunes with machine beats engraved in a deep sound space. Crazy great.
名作群を残す「マドリッドの彗星」の仕掛け人、アンダルシアや東洋、中東など世界各地の音楽を結び付けたソロ作やプロデュース作で知られる鬼才音楽家Luis Delgadoと傑作Randomize名義でも作品を残すキーボード奏者/サウンドエンジニアのEugenio MuñozのインダストリアルユニットMecanica Popularのファーストアルバムにしてスペインエレクトロ最重要作品のひとつ。深い音空間にマシンビートが刻まれる圧巻の全12曲。ヤバすぎます。
A2 - La Edad Del Bronce
A3 - Impresionistas 2
A4 - Quiero Irme
B2 - Daguerrotipo
B4 - Plenilunio