Label:EMI – 31C 064 422951
Used LP 1985
Disc:VG+ (feel light surface noise at mainly quiet part, good category overall)
Jacket:VG+ (little corner damage, light scuffs/wears, good category as Brazilian sleeve) w/insert (stains/wears)
The first solo album and her most popular one by Maria Elisa Capparelli Pinheiro aka May East, a SSW/vocalist from Sao Paulo. Simply master piece that is ahead of its time, blending electronics, ethnic music, new wave and showcases the talents of producer Mayrton Bahia, who has been involved in a wide range of important works. In addition to the representative track "Maraka", there is also the new wave pop "Idéias De Brincar" which mixes a minimal beat with trippy synths, the wired mid wave "Elementais", the eccentric synth wave "Bumba My Boy", and mid-tribal track "Fire In The Jungle". The backing lineup is also solidified by Marcelo Salazar, Nico Rezende, more. It wouldn't be strange if it was reissued at any time. .
サンパウロ出身のSSW/ヴォーカリストMay EastことMaria Elisa Capparelli Pinheiroによるソロファーストアルバムにして最高傑作。様々な著名作品に関わる名プロデューサーMayrton Bahiaの手腕の光るエレクトロニクス、民族音楽、ニューウェーブを融合させた時代を先取りした名作。代表曲”Maraka”の他にもミニマルなビートにトリッピーなシンセが入り混じるニューウェーブ・ポップ”Idéias De Brincar”、ワイヤード・ミッド・ウェーブ”Elementais”、エキセントリック・シンセ・ウェーブ”Bumba My Boy”、官能的なミッド・トライバル”Fire In The Jungle”など聴き所満載。バックもMarcelo SalazarやNico Rezendeなどが固めた布陣。いつリイシューされてもおかしくないはずですが。。
A2 - Idéias De Brincar
A3 - Twilight Zone
A4 - Elementais
B1 - Maraka
B2 - Bumba My Boy
B4 - Caim E Abel