Label:Yaki Record – RYS LB 703
Used LP 1985
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light wear, sticker on back, not bad condition overall)
1985 album by Marco Maria Tosolini, an Italian composer and multi-instrumentalist who has worked on mainly soundtracks/stage music, and is also a journalist and music therapist. The music is a unique blend of electric, jazz, new wave elements through experimental arrangements with a touch of contemporary music. The album includes the modern electro "Five Giants At El-Kahazar", variant of new wave "Hooka Hey!" and two-part track “Main Subway And Child” with a pleasant minimal beat and improvised piano. Impressive piece.
サウンドトラックや舞台音楽を手掛けジャーナリスト/音楽療法士の顔を持つイタリア人作曲家/マルチ奏者Marco Maria Tosoliniによる85年作。Stile Libero作品でお馴染みのTiziano Popoliが参加。エレクトリック、ジャズ、ニューウェーブを現代音楽仕込みの実験的アレンジで浮かび上がらせたような音楽性。モダンエレクトロ”Five Giants At El-Kahazar”、変種のニューウェーブ”Hooka Hey!”、心地よいミニマルビートに即興的なピアノが差し込まれる二部構成の”Main Subway And Child ”を収録。この特別な瑞々しい音の響きがまた心地いいんです。
A1 - Too Late To Dance
A3 - Hooka Hey!
A5 - Five Giants At El-Kahazar
B5 - Main Subway And Child (Part 2)