Label:Mayra – 2-LP.781
Used LP 1978
Disc:VG+ (mild wrapped on B side not affect to sound, totally good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs, good category)
Luis Becchio, an Argentinian jazz keyboard player who moved to London to study jazz and left his master work on the library label De Wolfe, and then moved to the Canary Islands after receiving advice from a superior entity from outer space. He left behind great achievements there where he spent approximately 30 years, opening the first jazz school as well as his production activities. This is the last piece under his own name that can be confirmed at present, in which he digested contacts with Adoniezis in jazz, avant-garde, experimental, free, cosmic, funk.. The recording was done by a trio consisting of Fernando Bermudez (percussion), who is also from Argentina, and Yoichi Yahiro (bass), who participates in the works of Spick & Span. Total 4 tunes, starting with "27 Fqp", which is a spiritual jazz-like tune with a twisted development/arrangement that over 9 minutes, "Arima" is one of the highlights that transforms into avant-electronic funk from the middle, "Ucanca," an experimental cosmic style that sends an ominous message, and "Canto A Ivnur," which ends quietly. Just intense sessions that make sparks fly are so intense. Original.
アルゼンチン出身のジャズピアニストLuis Vecchio。ジャズを学びにロンドンに渡り、Archie Sheppらとも関りながらライブラリー名門De Wolfeに混然と輝く名作”Afro-Rock”を残しながらも、宇宙からのお告げ(!)を受けスペイン・カナリア諸島へ移住。およそ30年を過ごしたその地でも制作活動と同時に初のジャズスクールを開設するなど大きな足跡を残した人物。本作は移住後の78年に発表されたアドニエシスなる人物とのコンタクトをジャズ、アヴァンギャルド、エクスペリメンタル、フリー、コズミック、ファンクなどで消化した現在確認できる個人名義最後の作品。編成はアルゼンチン出身のドラマーFernando Bermudezとキャリア初期のSpick & Spanの活動でも知られる日本人ベーシスト八尋洋一。9分越えのねじれた展開/アレンジを交えスピリチュアル・ジャズのようにまとめられた”27 Fqp”を皮切りに、中盤以降アヴァン電子ファンクへ変容していくハイライトのひとつ”Arima”、アドニエシスが人類へ不吉なメッセージをおくるエクスペリメンタル・コズミック調”Ucanca”、静かにエンディングで締める”Canto A Ivnur”の全4曲。思わずニヤニヤソワソワしてきちゃう最高でしかないセッションの記録。超稀少な見開きオリジナル。
A1 - 27 Fqp
A2 - Arima
B1 - Ucanca
B2 - Canto A Ivnur