Luis Paniagua – Planeo

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Label:La Fabrica Magnetica – E 002


Used LP 1991

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)

Jacket:VG+ (slight wear/wrinkles, good condition overall)

Luis Paniagua, a multi-instrumentalist who plays ethnic instruments from all over the world, starting with his career with Atrium Musicae De Madrid, which his father conducts, and who has also left outstanding solo works with radical ethno group Babia. This work is the third album released in 1991. While the previous album was produced by Luis Delgado, this album is a trio consisting of percussionist Ernest Martínez and multi-instrumentalist Han Stemerdink. Total 7 tracks of ethno sounds that reaches the extreme, featuring performances by these three exceptional musicians and digital instrumentation. It’s filled with remarkablel sound that you can feel at first listen. True masterpiece.

実父が指揮を執るAtrium Musicae De Madridでの活動に始まり、先鋭集団Babia、ソロでも傑出した作品を残す、あらゆる民族楽器を操るマルチ奏者Luis Paniagua。本作は91年に発表された三枚目となるアルバム。前作はLuis Delgadoプロデュースだったのに対して今作は打楽器奏者Ernest Martínezとマルチ奏者Han Stemerdinkによるトリオ編成。類まれな三者による演奏とデジタル・インストゥルメントを配置した、極地と感じさせるエスノ・ミュージック全7曲。一聴してわかる特別な響きに包まれています。大傑作。

A1 - Principio

A3 - Revelación

A4 - Primera Pregunta-Comienza El Camino

B1 - Planeo

B2 - Atisbo Del Fin

B3 - Finisterre