Label:Not On Label
Used LP 1980
Disc:EX (dead stcok copy,only for checking condition/recording audio sample)
Jacket:EX/NM (dead stock copy,in shrink) w/zine,unopend cassette tape (case has one scratch)
Probably self-released album with a lot of producers and musicians from the rock and jazz fields who have recently been discovered in Australia, and the title gives it a playful and outrageous smell. Among these musicians, the members of The Nights In Shining, who are also known for releasing the cult surf album "Surfin' Reggae", seem to have a strong color in this album, all 10 tunes that swallowed from surf rock style tracks to Latin and jazz. Comes complete set of three items: dead stock record(for just checked condition and for audio samples), an unopened cassette tape, and a magazine.
オーストラリアで最近になって発掘されたロックやジャズ界隈のプロデューサー、ミュージシャンが多数参加したタイトルからしても遊び心溢れるぶっとんだ匂いがプンプンする自主制作盤。そのミュージシャンの中でもカルトサーフ作品”Surfin' Reggae”のリリースでも知られるThe Nights In Shiningのメンバーの色が濃く出ている様に感じる作風で、サーフロック風トラックからラテン、ジャズまでを飲み込んだ全10曲。シールド開封レコード、未開封カセットテープ、マガジン付きの三点完品での販売です。
A2 - You're My Spaceship
A3 - Little Girls Who Dance On Pearls
A6 - Love Junkie
B1 - Growing Good Marijuana