Label:RCA – TLP 60150
Used LP 1985 Promo
Disc:VG+ (only feel light surface noise at mostly silent part, good category overall)
Jacket:VG+/VG (promo sticker on front, light wears/wrinkes/tears, not very bad conditoon, check pictures)
The soundtrack was written by Argentinean leading musician Litto Nebbia for the movie "Luna Caliente" in 1985.It is made up of 17 songs, long and short, and is packed with the luscious fertility of a masterful sound from beginning to end.First of all, A2 and A4 which can be interpreted as ambient and the silence envelops you、excellent adult oriented mellow tune B1、and the sequence from B6 to the last B9 concludes with a beautiful development as if it expresses the very essence of Litto Nebbia. Amazing. Backed by a full complement of familiar members including César Franov, Norberto Minichillo, Bernardo Baraj, Cacho Tejera, Manolo Yanes.
ご存知アルゼンチンを代表する音楽家Litto Nebbiaが映画”Luna Caliente”の為に書き下ろした85年発表のサウンドトラック作品。長短の全17曲で構成された初めから終わりまで熟練味のある豊饒なサウンドを聞いていただけます。まず静寂が包み込むアンビエント的解釈のA2/A4の両曲、華麗なアダルトオリエンテッドメロー"Un Camino Nos Separa"、そしてB6からラストのB9までの一連の流れが正にLitto Nebbiaの真髄を映し出したような美しい展開で締めくくられています。バックにはCésar Franov, Norberto Minichillo, Bernardo Baraj, Cacho Tejera, Manolo Yanesといった馴染みのメンバーが全面参加。久々の入荷ですがやはり絶品。
A2 - Retrato De Aracelli
A4 - Viñetas Reflexicas
B1 - Un Camino Nos Separa
B6 - B7 - B8 - B9