Label:CBS/Sony – 28AH-1942
Used LP 1985
Disc:VG+ (feel light surface noise at some parts, totally good shape)
Jacket:VG+/VG (light brown wears/spots, slight scuffs) w/obi (brown wear),insert
The soundtrack to the cat anime "What's Michael !?" by Makoto Kobayashi, a manga artist who has a studio at home and has good skill as musician and the genius artist Lion Mary. Except for the vocal songs of A1/B1, the composition is an instrumental tunes composed/organized by that two. Among the highlights are A2/A5/B3, which are typical Lion Mary tunes, A3/B9, which are synth-pop tunes, and B1, a ballad worked by Tsugutoshi Goto and Kimio Mizutani. Total incorporate humor that matches the content of the original world view are interesting.
自宅にスタジオを持ち腕前もプロ並みだという漫画家小林まことと奇才ライオンメリーが手掛けたネコ・アニメ「ホワッツマイケル!?」のサウンド・トラック。A1/B1のヴォーカル曲以外は全て二人が楽曲/編成を手掛けたインスト曲という構成で、A2/A5/B3のライオンメリーらしい楽曲にシンセポップ・チューンA3/B9、 水谷公生アレンジのバラード曲B1辺りが聴き所でしょうか。原作の内容とマッチするユーモアを取り入れたような楽曲群が面白いです。
A2 - Lovely Memory
A3 - 9月の練馬
A5 - 加世子
B1 - 泣きまね
B3 - Blue Stories
B9 - ネコにこんばんは