Label:Clearaudio – LP040492
Used LP 1992
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs, not bad condition)
German SSW/singer Linda Myers' 1992 album. A synth-pop work with a moderate mid beat and the essence of world music or new age. Among the highlights are "Look Inside" with its wild drum beat and spacey synths, ethnic atmosphere "Shine On Me" and "Kuan Yin" with its continental synths spreading over the beat. Total great one with DJ-friendly tempo and a variety of melodies. The jacket is also a nice touch. It seems that she is still active.
ドイツ人SSW/シンガーLinda Myersによる92年作。程よいミッドなビートにワールドミュージックやニューエイジのエッセンスを取り入れたシンセポップ作品となっていて、中でもワイルドなドラムビートに空間的なシンセが差し込む”Look Inside”、エスニックな雰囲気の”Shine On Me”、打ち込みの上に大陸的なシンセが広がっていく”Kuan Yin”は白眉。全編DJ的にも嬉しいテンポとヴァラエティ豊かなメロディで彩られたいい内容。アート的なジャケもグッド。現在も活動を続けているようです。
A1 - Heaven Is This
A3 - Kuan Yin
A4 - Run For Your Life
B1 - Shine On Me
B2 - Love Can Make Your Life
B3 - Together As One
B4 - Look Inside