Liliana Herrero – Estetiempo

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Label:S-Music/Sony Music – 791892-2 


Used CD 2011

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+/VG (one cut part on inside of sleeve, not serious)

Liliana Herrero is one of the most important singers for long time in Argentina, who started her career when she was discovered by Fito Páez and continues to release music constantly as a singer who connects the past with the present. This work is a new recording of songs released in 2011 by Luis Alberto Spinetta, Hugo Fattoruso, Jaime Roos, Ruben Rada and other current artists. A total 14 tracks are spun with new breaths of voices that seem to become one with the earth and resonate through them. Just amazing.

Fito Páezに見いだされキャリアをスタートさせ、現在と過去を繋ぐ歌い手として現在もコンスタントにリリースを重ねる最重要シンガーのひとりLiliana Herrero。本作は2011年にリリースされたLuis Alberto Spinetta, Hugo Fattoruso, Jaime Roos, Ruben Radaらの楽曲や現行のアーティストなど楽曲を新たな装いで録音した作品。大地と一体となり響き渡るような歌声が新たな息吹と共に紡がれていく全14曲。じっくり耳を傾けてみてください。素晴らしいの一言。

T4 - Bagualerita

T8 - Dulzura Distante

T9 - A Puro Fierro

T12 - Austral