Label:Not On Label – G7-1414
Used LP 1983?
Disc:VG+ (picture record but totally nice shape)
Jacket:VG+ (plastic special sleeve has light wear) w/insert (light wear)
A local samba record commemorating the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Mt. Fuji Gotemba Gate, which was created with the idea that if the music changes, this town will change. It features guest vocals by Francis Silva and Leila Maria, two Brazilians who had been living in Japan for a long time at the time, and arrangements by Hiroshi Itaya, who has participated in the works of Taeko Onuki and Yoshiaki Fujikawa since the 1970s. Fuji/Gotemba sides in picture record format, with the Fuji side featuring a mellow samba sung in Japanese being a particular highlight. This is a good quality piece that is well maintained.
音楽が変わればこの町が変るとの思いから制作された富士山御殿場口登山道開設100年記念のご当地サンバレコード。当時日本に長く滞在していた二人のブラジル人Francis SilvaとLeila Mariaをゲストヴォーカルに迎え、アレンジには70年代から大貫妙子や藤川義明などの作品に参加してきた板谷博、バックにもリリース歴を持つミュージシャンが多数参加しています。富士山/御殿場サイドのピクチャーレコード仕様で、日本語で歌われるメロウ・サンバを収録した富士山サイドが特に一押し。クオリティもしっかり保たれた良質な一枚です。
A1 - Gotemba Samba: Vocal
B1 - Fuji Samba: Vocal
B3 - Fuji Samba: Brass