Label:G.B.I. Recording
Used LP 1988
Disc:VG+ (B2 has light scratch and affect to sound a bit ,key tracks such as A3/A4/B1 are good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (scrubs/crease, not bad condition as island/latin record, no cut/break)
Krstin Penn, a multi-instrumentalist/singer known as the daughter of Frank Penn, one of the most famous SSW from the Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean. This Lovers Rock/Reggae album is known to those in the know. The best part is her diverse rhythmic work, which is brought by her playing of various instruments, especially A3/A4/B1 tracks are amazing. Great for the coming season. Released from G.B.I. Recording by Frank Penn.
大西洋に浮かぶバハマの代表的なSSW Frank Pennの娘としても知られるマルチ演奏者/歌手Krstin Pennによる知る人ぞ知る88年のラヴァーズロック/レゲエ作品。様々な楽器の演奏で知られる彼女の多様なリズムワークにシンセも加わる飽きの来ない楽曲群が最大の聞き所でA3/A4/B1を筆頭にメロウネス溢れる極上の内容。これからの季節にもよさそうです。リリースはFrank Penn率いるG.B.I. Recordingから。
A3 - Woman Smarter
A4 - It Must Come Down
B1 - The Rose