Kristina Nomeika, Laraaji – The Body/Mind Energizer

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Label:Creative Sound Recording


Used Cassette 1987

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

Sleeve:VG+ (one stain spot, rest of sleeve is clean)

A private cassette tape work left in 1987 by Laraaji, a zither player/multi-instrumentalist who is well known for his meditation and yoga-based works and Brian Eno's "Ambient" series, and who has become well known here in Japan through his recent visits. The A-side features healing music that encourages us to face our bodies, with guidance by Kristina Nomeika, B-side is an instrumental version. The slow, flowing, moiré-like echoes cover and change the music, creating a stunning performance that is beyond comforting and seems to melt away. The volume is perfect, at over 40 minutes on each side. A gem.

瞑想とヨガを基調とした作品群、Brian Enoの『Ambient』シリーズで大きく知られ、ここ日本でも近年の来日で知名度を高めたツィター奏者/マルチインストゥルメンタリストLaraajiが87年に残していたプライベートカセットテープ作品。体と向き合うことを促すヒーリング・ミュージックをA面ではKristina Nomeikaのガイダンスと共に、B面ではサウンドトラックとつけられたインストヴァージョンを収録。ゆっくりと流れるようにモアレ状の響きが覆いながら変化していく、心地よさを通り越して溶け出すような圧巻の演奏。片面40分超えとヴォリューム的にも申し分なし。一生もの。

A Sample 1

A Sample 2

A Sample 3

B Sample 1

B Sample 2

B Sample 3