Koharu Kisaragi = 如月小春 - (リア王の青い城)

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Label:冬樹社 (Toujyusya)


Used Cassette Book 1985

Cassette:VG+ (plays fine)

Case:VG+ (clean) w/2 big poster inserts (very clean)

A cassette book by playwright/director Koharu Kisaragi expressed "Book Performance". Along with a performance audio describing the historical background, on the music side, it is a sharp sound recorded at the end of side A, and there are many interesting gimmicks such as the new wave beat and the word conversation between the beginning and the latter half of side B. It seems that this is a work that echoes Sakamoto Ryuichi's "Suigyugakudan" in which Kisaragi also participated. Published by Toujyusya,the author of numerous cassette books like a Seed series.

劇作家/演出家 如月小春がBook Performanceと称したカセットブック。時代背景を描写したパフォーマンス音声と共に音楽面でも先鋭性を演出していてA面最後に収録の尖ったサウンド、B面冒頭と後半の言葉の掛け合いとニューウェーブビートなど面白い仕掛けが盛り沢山。如月も参加した坂本龍一”水牛楽団”とも呼応するような作品かなと思います。数々のカセットブックを手掛けた冬樹社出版。

A side

B side

To check playback and prevent deterioration, each recording is a full sound sample
